
Thursday, 10 October 2013

New DEMON character

So I've been playing about with a new Demon look!
Horns teeth Blah-Blah...
Spent a few hours in makeup & filming, but spent hours fiddling about in the EDIT...
Pretty happy with the look & style, but always wish I had a little more time & cash to throw at these little projects...!!!
A run of three videos where made, each using different Camera's & FX editing.
I try to keep my work for HoRRor as plain and simple as I can...
I use blurs & black & white to add to what you thought you might of just seen :)

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Sunday, 1 September 2013

Calvin morris WAKE UP THE DEAD lOki daRk aRt

Still shots from the video
Demon silicon forehead
Dental distortions
Various editing techniques
HoRRor style daRk aRts...

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Rorschach Vampire FREAK SHOW tent no.5

Playing about with Rorschach patterns using old video footage using different editing effects and skills to create the style of Rorschach cards...
Video posting to YouTube soon "FREAK SHOW" tent no.5

Friday, 5 July 2013

Sugar Mummy close up

Sugar Mummy close up and in your face...
Video is posted to YouTube under the Title Sugar Mummy etc...
It's not like you can miss it, lets be honest here...!
Short horror film in the works for 2014 if i can get the money together for it?

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Sugar Mummy teaser stills

Although i've only been making short music videos for about two & half years now.
I feel lately i've been breaking through with new ground under foot.
With this video i've used my love of Asian Horror movies & that rather brillant unique style that they hold.
With these teaser stills, nothing is as what it seems!
The top two shots are from the behind the scenes video & the bottom picture is a freeze frame.
It's a full on gorno feast... nuff said :)
A good study and very much enjoyed at my end...
Posssibly looking into making a short horror film at some point in the future!

Thursday, 6 June 2013

lOki Not so Hollywood...

A few colour pictures from the short black & white footage recorded called.
"The not so Hollywood lOki."
Posting to YouTube at some point...!

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Bad Kitty

Met Kitty Cain...
How to video coming soon...
If Drag were horror this would be the result...

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

In the data coming soon...

In the data is a short video where I do my thing as Data from Star Trek or at least try to show how to
look like Data for very little money....